"The building, then owned by L.L. Lance, was excited to welcome the new store managers Mr. And Mrs. M.H. Swartz. The Swartz’s and their three young children would make their new home in the apartment overtop this little 'bean'ery.
"In March of 1946, the Swartz family was off to learn a new trade and sold the popular cafe to William Arthurs of Akron. William was a former driver for Coca-Cola and excited to try his hand at being his own boss. The Swartz’s would remain in their cozy home above the shop, as the coffee place took on new spirit under its new management."
Wonder if this is the same M.H. Swartz from the article. Had a coffee shop in nearby Rittman, Ohio:
"The building, then owned by L.L. Lance, was excited to welcome the new store managers Mr. And Mrs. M.H. Swartz. The Swartz’s and their three young children would make their new home in the apartment overtop this little 'bean'ery.
"In March of 1946, the Swartz family was off to learn a new trade and sold the popular cafe to William Arthurs of Akron. William was a former driver for Coca-Cola and excited to try his hand at being his own boss. The Swartz’s would remain in their cozy home above the shop, as the coffee place took on new spirit under its new management."
It could be! Weird to think a coffee shop would sell View-Master but you never know!
The "new trade" could've been a photo shop, but who knows, there were different kinds of VM vendors. 3D might go well with some coffee!
It goes well with coffee for me!