I love the diorama stuff and Joe Liptak's model work is my favourite. I was fortunate to get FT-29 a while back and scanned and converted the images to stereo pairs and posted them on the VM facebook group I help admin now. Response was a little lukewarm to be honest, surprisingly. I'm going to clean up the scans some and post them again around Xmas along with a non stereo version too.

I actually got a Sawyers era Tru Vue viewer just so I could view the copy of the TV card I found - colours faded, natch, so finding the reel was a bonus.

That "Coca Cola Santa" is pretty common in Victorian times (at least here in the UK) - I have plenty of xmas themed jigsaws where he appears in the old designs so maybe it was the case that Coca Cola popularised that look in the USA.

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Wow, super cool scenes by Joe Liptak. I lucked out and have this set, though not your rare version, just the one that came with a more traditional cover.

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Diorama reels aren't usually my thing, but this one does have a plethora of lovely details! How are the 3D effects through a viewer? Shall have to get one of these someday, perhaps by trade ;) <-- ha ha, 90s internet wink in full effect

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The effects are really good in this one! I do think the tabletop 3D photography they did on the diorama reels are just top notch.

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This is so very charming! How big were the sculptures, do you know? Where they made from clay? Do any survive? Fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing!

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The sculptures were mostly trashed, but they were made from Sculpey, and created for the photo shoots!

They were a little smaller than 1/6 scale. Maybe 1/4? I’m not sure.

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Thank you!

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